Sunday, April 12, 2020

Summarizing facts. Appropriately. Through words images and videos.

Hi Kerry

How are you doing? 

Hanging in there

 and keeping safe?

On Apr 9, 2020 11:52 PM, Angeltruth Jacob <angeltruth wrote:


Lovely to hear from you.

How are you sweetie?

For the record"
People have my email.
By the way.

So they write nonsense.
O well.
That's life i quess.
For moi.
I'm ok. 

Studying the facts of my dads death.

Every time i do i see one thing. Unfortunately
Which is:

My brother and sister are clearly insane.

Presently in this life.

 I dont want to say they were never good people, anjelica.

Three 3 years ago I'm certain i never would have said that.

Jeff bought me 2 computers in this life.
He also bought me a 40p dollar bike .

Winnie used to give me a hundred dollars every Christmas.
It's not like they were always bad people.

What happened?

To them?
I dont know.

They weren't always bad people.
But maybe they wernt as good as I once thought they were.

Or maybe my dad did do what he said he was gonna do.

And jeff really has a time machine.

Anjelica, my dad said to me, for the last 20 years I was gonna be surprised when he died.
He did say he was leaving me something in his will.

And I dont think my dad was the kind of person who would lie about that for 20 years straight.
So, I think I'm right.

It's the only thing that makes sense.

Regarding all the facts.

I'm positive of it.
I've analysed the facts.
Every fact of this situation verifies they did what I'm saying they did.

They must have went temporarily insane.

That must be it.

But whatever.
I think I'm gonna give up worrying about them killing my dad.

I'm writing a website at the moment.
It's about this.
Gods and deities.
It's kind of interesting to win.

2nd samuel 24, verse 1 connects to 1st chronicles 21: 1 how?  What does it say? Regarding my great half bro , jehovah.
My lady!!?

Gotta check facts, sweetie.

Read this.

To find out the real truth  about All GODS AND DEITIES!!!!

And go with the flow, pretty goddess.

Of the gods anyways.

Have a sweet one!!!
Your friend kerry!!!

P s.
Many  clearlycrazy people email me.
On this email.

I may have to start blocking these clearly deranged monkies.
That's why I didnt notice your email.
As an alternate, 
I try to check this email every other day.

If you find I miss an email, just send me one there instead.

Thanks anjelica!!

Show quoted text
Jeff acted too weird on that bike trip too, anjelica.
I never saw him go nuts.

But he did on that bike ride I took with him to thamesford.
In june 2018..
He went berserk.

But he waited til we were away from everyone.
On trafalgar street.
Before he started screaming obscenities.

It was just too weird.
His screaming.

Then he flattens my tire in thamesford.
While crying that I'm riding to woodstock.

Then he says one coherent thing.

Before riding home he says,
""I  have to find a way to stop you from getting that money.,""

Then he goes and visits dad continually.
With unpackaged victuals.
Til my dad drops half dead.

Then he and winnie search my dads place.

While my dad lays incoherent.
In hospital. 
Til my dads death.
3 months later.

The doctors said to winnie and jeff that my dad was suffering greatly.

Keeping him alive was pointless.

They said to my siblings.

Yet jeff and winnie said , they,d sue, if the doctors pulled the plug..

I know why jeff and winnie did it.

Because they wanted the time to search my dads belongings.
To destroy any evidence of my dads testament.

And steal his expensive stuff.

Show quoted text
While my dad was in hospital, i asked about some of my belongings i had stored at dads.
I also asked about dads stuff.

Since, it appeared he wasnt going to survive..
Jeff and winnie told me they weren't going through my dads stuff , while he was in hospital.
I know that's a lie.

Their expressions were weird too, anjelica.
While i talked with them about that...

If i could just get the cops to check the cameras from february 2019 to may 2019 i can prove jeff and winnie clearly lied to me and university doctors about that.

The question, how many times did they go there.

I suspect they took turns.
Going into my dads apt.
.searching his stuff.
To eliminate any evidence of his real testament.
.im positive that's what happened anjelica..

Hide quoted text

On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 8:03 p.m. Angeltruth Jacob, <> wrote:
Jeff acted too weird on that bike trip too, anjelica.
I never saw him go nuts.
But he did on that bike ride I took with him to thamesford.

In june 2018..
He went berserk.
But he waited til we were away from everyone.
On trafalgar street.
Before he started screaming obscenities.

It was just too weird.
His screaming.

Then he flattens my tire in thamesford.
While crying that I'm riding to woodstock.

Then he says one coherent thing.

Before riding home he says,
""I  have to find a way to stop you from getting that money.,""

Then he goes and visits dad continually.
With unpackaged victuals.
Til my dad drops half dead.

Then he and winnie search my dads place.

While my dad lays incoherent.
In hospital. 
Til my dads death.
3 months later.

The doctors said to winnie and jeff that my dad was suffering greatly.

Keeping him alive was pointless.

They said to my siblings.

Yet jeff and winnie said , they,d sue, if the doctors pulled the plug..

I know why jeff and winnie did it.

Because they wanted the time to search my dads belongings.
To destroy any evidence of my dads testament.

And steal his expensive stuff.

On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 7:03 p.m. Angeltruth Jacob, <> wrote:

Lovely to hear from you.
How are you sweetie?
People have my email.

So they write nonsense.
O well.
That's life i quess.
For moi.
I'm ok. 
Studying the facts of my dads death.
Every time i do i see one thing. Unfortunately

My brother and sister are clearly insane. Presently in this life.

 I dont want to say they were never good people, anjelica.

Three 3 years ago I'm certain i never would have said that.

Jeff bought me 2 computers in this life.
He also bought me a 40p dollar bike .

Winnie used to give me a hundred dollars every Christmas.
It's not like they were always bad people.

What happened?

To them?
I dont know.

They weren't always bad people.

But maybe they wernt as good as I once thought they were.

Or maybe my dad did do what he said he was gonna do.
And jeff really has a time machine.

Anjelica, my dad said to me, for the last 20 years I was gonna be surprised when he died.
He did say he was leaving me his earthly poss3ssions.

And I dont think my dad was the kind of person who would lie about that for 20 years straight.
So, I think I'm right.

It's the only thing that makes sense.

I'm positive of it.
I've analysed the facts.
Every fact of this situation verifies they did what I'm saying they did.

They must have went temporarily insane.

That must be it.

But whatever.
I think I'm gonna give up worrying about them killing my dad.

I'm writing a website at the moment.
It's about this.
Gods and deities.

It's kind of interesting too.


2nd samuel 24, verse 1 connects to 1st chronicles 21: 1 how?  What does it say? Regarding my great half bro , jehovah.
My lady!!?

Gotta check facts, sweetie.

Read this.
To find out the real truth  about All GODS AND DEITIES!!!!

And go with the flow, pretty goddess.

Of the gods anyways.

Have a sweet one!!!
Your friend kerry!!!

P s.
Many  clearlycrazy people email me.
On this email.

I may have to start blocking these clearly deranged monkies.
That's why I didnt notice your email.
As an alternate, 
I try to check this email every other day.

If you find I miss an email, just send me one there instead.
Thanks anjelica!!

On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 12:24 p.m. , <> wrote:
Hi Kerry
How are you doing? Hanging in there and keeping safe?

On Apr 9, 2020 11:52 PM, Angeltruth Jacob <> wrote:
One last thing, anjelica.

Plus, all the money they cost tax payers.
In not permitting doctors to put my father out of his misery.
I'm pretty sure it cost the hospital a few thousand dollars every day to keep my dad alive.
On a ventilator.
With all those wires shoved in uncomfortable locations.
On his body.
My dad hated that.
Even when he was healthy.
He couldnt even stand wearing a watch.
My dad was clearly suffering.
Forcing him to live in that condition was literally ridiculous.
And you know what?
Itd be bad enough if jeff and winnie weren't the ones who put my dad there.
Through drugged foods.
Unbeknownst to everyone except me.
For some crazy  peculiar reason.
But to keep him alive because you wanted the time to search his apt?

To destroy and dishonor his final testament?

See what I'm saying anjelica?

That's deranged.
They did that.
I saw it all happen.
In front of my eyes.

Hide quoted text

On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 8:16 p.m. Angeltruth Jacob, <> wrote:
While my dad was in hospital, i asked about some of my belongings i had stored at dads.
I also asked about dads stuff.
Since, it appeared he wasnt going to survive..
Jeff and winnie told me they weren't going through my dads stuff , while he was in hospital.
I know that's a lie.

Their expressions were weird too, anjelica.
While i talked with them about that...

If i could just get the cops to check the cameras from february 2019 to may 2019 i can prove jeff and winnie clearly lied to me and university doctors about that.

The question, how many times did they go there.

I suspect they took turns.
Going into my dads apt.
.searching his stuff.
To eliminate any evidence of his real testament.
.im positive that's what happened anjelica..


On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 8:03 p.m. Angeltruth Jacob, <> wrote:
Jeff acted too weird on that bike trip too, anjelica.
I never saw him go nuts.
But he did on that bike ride I took with him to thamesford.
In june 2018..
He went berserk.
But he waited til we were away from everyone.
On trafalgar street.
Before he started screaming obscenities.

It was just too weird.
His screaming.

Then he flattens my tire in thamesford.
While crying that I'm riding to woodstock.

Then he says one coherent thing.

Before riding home he says,
""I  have to find a way to stop you from getting that money.,""

Then he goes and visits dad continually.
With unpackaged victuals.
Til my dad drops half dead.

Then he and winnie search my dads place.

While my dad lays incoherent.
In hospital. 
Til my dads death.
3 months later.

The doctors said to winnie and jeff that my dad was suffering greatly.

Keeping him alive was pointless.

They said to my siblings.

Yet jeff and winnie said , they,d sue, if the doctors pulled the plug..

I know why jeff and winnie did it.

Because they wanted the time to search my dads belongings.
To destroy any evidence of my dads testament.

And steal his expensive stuff.

On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 7:03 p.m. Angeltruth Jacob, <> wrote:

Lovely to hear from you.
How are you sweetie?
People have my email.
So they write nonsense.
O well.
That's life i quess.
For moi.
I'm ok. 
Studying the facts of my dads death.
Every time i do i see one thing. Unfortunately

My brother and sister are clearly insane. Presently in this life.

 I dont want to say they were never good people, anjelica.

Three 3 years ago I'm certain i never would have said that.

Jeff bought me 2 computers in this life.
He also bought me a 40p dollar bike .

Winnie used to give me a hundred dollars every Christmas.
It's not like they were always bad people.

What happened?

To them?
I dont know.

They weren't always bad people.
But maybe they wernt as good as I once thought they were.

Or maybe my dad did do what he said he was gonna do.
And jeff really has a time machine.

Anjelica, my dad said to me, for the last 20 years I was gonna be surprised when he died.
He did say he was leaving me a fortune.
And I dont think my dad was the kind of person who would lie about that for 20 years straight.
So, I think I'm right.

It's the only thing that makes sense.

I'm positive of it.
I've analysed the facts.
Every fact of this situation verifies they did what I'm saying they did.

They must have went temporarily insane.

That must be it.

But whatever.
I think I'm gonna give up worrying about them killing my dad.

I'm writing a website at the moment.
It's about this.
Gods and deities.
It's kind of interesting to win.

2nd samuel 24, verse 1 connects to 1st chronicles 21: 1 how?  What does it say? Regarding my great half bro , jehovah.
My lady!!?

Gotta check facts, sweetie.

Read this.
To find out the real truth  about All GODS AND DEITIES!!!!

And go with the flow, pretty goddess.

Of the gods anyways.

Have a sweet one!!!
Your friend kerry!!!

P s.
Many  clearlycrazy people email me.
On this email.

I may have to start blocking these clearly deranged monkies.
That's why I didnt notice your email.
As an alternate, 
I try to check this email every other day.

If you find I miss an email, just send me one there instead.
Thanks anjelica!!

On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 12:24 p.m. , <> wrote:
Hi Kerry
How are you doing? Hanging in there and keeping safe?

On Apr 9, 2020 11:52 PM, Angeltruth Jacob <> wrote:







Hide quoted text

On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 8:28 p.m. Angeltruth Jacob, <> wrote:
One last thing, anjelica.

Plus, all the money they cost tax payers.
In not permitting doctors to put my father out of his misery.
I'm pretty sure it cost the hospital a few thousand dollars every day to keep my dad alive.
On a ventilator.
With all those wires shoved in uncomfortable locations.
On his body.
My dad hated that.
Even when he was healthy.
He couldnt even stand wearing a watch.
My dad was clearly suffering.
Forcing him to live in that condition was literally ridiculous.
And you know what?
Itd be bad enough if jeff and winnie weren't the ones who put my dad there.
Through drugged foods.
Unbeknownst to everyone except me.
For some crazy  peculiar reason.
But to keep him alive because you wanted the time to search his apt?

To destroy and dishonor his final testament?

See what I'm saying anjelica?

That's deranged.
They did that.
I saw it all happen.
In front of my eyes.

On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 8:16 p.m. Angeltruth Jacob, <> wrote:
While my dad was in hospital, i asked about some of my belongings i had stored at dads.
I also asked about dads stuff.
Since, it appeared he wasnt going to survive..
Jeff and winnie told me they weren't going through my dads stuff , while he was in hospital.
I know that's a lie.

Their expressions were weird too, anjelica.
While i talked with them about that...

If i could just get the cops to check the cameras from february 2019 to may 2019 i can prove jeff and winnie clearly lied to me and university doctors about that.

The question, how many times did they go there.

I suspect they took turns.
Going into my dads apt.
.searching his stuff.
To eliminate any evidence of his real testament.
.im positive that's what happened anjelica..


On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 8:03 p.m. Angeltruth Jacob, <> wrote:
Jeff acted too weird on that bike trip too, anjelica.
I never saw him go nuts.
But he did on that bike ride I took with him to thamesford.
In june 2018..
He went berserk.
But he waited til we were away from everyone.
On trafalgar street.
Before he started screaming obscenities.

It was just too weird.
His screaming.

Then he flattens my tire in thamesford.
While crying that I'm riding to woodstock.

Then he says one coherent thing.

Before riding home he says,
""I  have to find a way to stop you from getting that money.,""

Then he goes and visits dad continually.
With unpackaged victuals.
Til my dad drops half dead.

Then he and winnie search my dads place.

While my dad lays incoherent.
In hospital. 
Til my dads death.
3 months later.

The doctors said to winnie and jeff that my dad was suffering greatly.

Keeping him alive was pointless.

They said to my siblings.

Yet jeff and winnie said , they,d sue, if the doctors pulled the plug..

I know why jeff and winnie did it.

Because they wanted the time to search my dads belongings.
To destroy any evidence of my dads testament.

And steal his expensive stuff.

On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 7:03 p.m. Angeltruth Jacob, <> wrote:

Lovely to hear from you.
How are you sweetie?
People have my email.
So they write nonsense.
O well.
That's life i quess.
For moi.
I'm ok. 
Studying the facts of my dads death.
Every time i do i see one thing. Unfortunately

My brother and sister are clearly insane. Presently in this life.

 I dont want to say they were never good people, anjelica.

Three 3 years ago I'm certain i never would have said that.

Jeff bought me 2 computers in this life.
He also bought me a 40p dollar bike .

Winnie used to give me a hundred dollars every Christmas.
It's not like they were always bad people.

What happened?

To them?
I dont know.

They weren't always bad people.
But maybe they wernt as good as I once thought they were.

Or maybe my dad did do what he said he was gonna do.
And jeff really has a time machine.

Anjelica, my dad said to me, for the last 20 years I was gonna be surprised when he died.
He did say he was leaving me a fortune.
And I dont think my dad was the kind of person who would lie about that for 20 years straight.
So, I think I'm right.

It's the only thing that makes sense.

I'm positive of it.
I've analysed the facts.
Every fact of this situation verifies they did what I'm saying they did.

They must have went temporarily insane.

That must be it.

But whatever.
I think I'm gonna give up worrying about them killing my dad.

I'm writing a website at the moment.
It's about this.
Gods and deities.
It's kind of interesting to win.

2nd samuel 24, verse 1 connects to 1st chronicles 21: 1 how?  What does it say? Regarding my great half bro , jehovah.
My lady!!?

Gotta check facts, sweetie.

Read this.
To find out the real truth  about All GODS AND DEITIES!!!!

And go with the flow, pretty goddess.

Of the gods anyways.

Have a sweet one!!!
Your friend kerry!!!

P s.
Many  clearlycrazy people email me.
On this email.

I may have to start blocking these clearly deranged monkies.
That's why I didnt notice your email.
As an alternate, 
I try to check this email every other day.

If you find I miss an email, just send me one there instead.
Thanks anjelica!!

On Sun., Apr. 12, 2020, 12:24 p.m. , <> wrote:
Hi Kerry
How are you doing? Hanging in there and keeping safe?

On Apr 9, 2020 11:52 PM, Angeltruth Jacob <> wrote:

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A conversation with mike. I begin this website with the following . A conversation ...