Thursday, February 6, 2020



  1. i, the writer of this website, have decided to include the following notes. which relate to a letter i write to a star reporter recently. on subjects which apply to the contents and subjects of this website.
    wherein, without further ado, the contents of that letter are now addressed.
    here below.

    in the following comments section.. located here. in this first post. located upon this website.
    worded as follows.

  2. to miss emily.

    i have a matter i feel needs to be made known.

    i have a situation regarding law.

    it relates to a fraud .

    for the appropriate sake of note,

    its sort of complex, on the surface.

    i quess. the general ramifications of the subject.

    but, trust me, my lady' its not at all complex,

    if you just look at the written facts.

    recently my father passed on.

    but its the manner in which he passed, that i feel you will be most interested in.
  3. regarding the subject of his death.

    i've explained the subject in two websites.
    which i decided to write on the matter.
    miss mathieu, trust me. please just check the facts.

    if you check the facts and words addressed in these two websites
    i wrote on the death of my father
    you'll see the facts indicate that the laws presently in canada are infinitely wrong.

    their actually very hypocritical laws for a government to adhere to.
    in the interest of decent laws which relate to prevent canadian citizens from easy ways to commit fraud
    please read this website first.

  4. then proceed to the written parts of this website.

    including the comments sections.

    as the comments sections relate important functions related to this subject.

    please note -that, in addressing the facts parleyed in these websites, by me, i choose to include images.

    i did that because my father was very much a humourist.

    he liked humour in life.

    yet, at the same time, my father did not endorce the breaking of decent laws.

    neither did my dad authorize criminal behaviour.

    on that note i wish you to note that, its
    the words located in these two websites which relate the serious matter i refer to here.

    regarding how ontario laws are not presently just.

    ontario laws presently are completely hypocritical.

    3:32 PM (6 minutes ago)

    to emathieu
    to miss emily.

    i have a matter i feel needs to be made known.

    i have a situation regarding law.

    it relates to a fraud .

    for the appropriate sake of note,

    its sort of complex, on the surface.

    i quess. the general ramifications of the subject.

    but, trust me, my lady' its not at all complex,

    if you just look at the written facts.

    recently my father passed on.

    but its the manner in which he passed, that i feel you will be most interested in.

    regarding the subject of his death.

    i've explained the subject in two websites.
    which i decided to write on the matter.
    miss mathieu, trust me. please just check the facts.

    if you check the facts and words addressed in these two websites
    i wrote on the death of my father
    you'll see the facts indicate that the laws presently in canada are infinitely wrong.

    their actually very hypocritical laws for a government to adhere to.
    in the interest of decent laws which relate to prevent canadian citizens from easy ways to commit fraud
    please read this website first.


    then proceed to the written parts of this website.

    including the comments sections.

    as the comments sections relate important functions related to this subject.

    please note -that, in addressing the facts parleyed in these websites, by me, i choose to include images.

    i did that because my father was very much a humourist.

    he liked humour in life.

    yet, at the same time, my father did not endorce the breaking of decent laws.

    neither did my dad authorize criminal behaviour.

    on that note i wish you to note that, its
    the words located in these two websites which relate the serious matter i refer to here.

    regarding how ontario laws are not presently just.

    ontario laws presently are completely hypocritical.

    and prejudiced against people who are in poverty.

    that mocks justice completely.

    and tells canadian citizens to hypocritically break canadas laws they you wish . because canada doesnt care for justice. or the poor.
    thats amazing corruption.

    that is infinite corruption on the part of canada presently. and such corrupt laws presently located in canada must be revamped immediately.

    to continue enforcing such 'technicallly totally corrupt laws, amounts to a mockery of justice and virtue completely.

    i explained this subject in detail to a variety of present earthly authority figures, and they told me,
    ''''''o well. ''
    they said.

    ''o well''
    dippity doo daaa. la te da'''''
    '''who cares if their is no justice. thats the law.
    thats the way it goes,''
  6. thats what the police and various other authority figures presently in canada told me.

    that is corruption. on the part of present earthly authorities in canada.

    that needs to be reported and addressed to the general public. to not report such corruption on the part of earths present earthly figures amounts to hypocrisy.

    if one can do so.

    because to not report such corruption is to endorce such corruption. for further generations of mankind. please miss emily. just check my facts. addressed in the preceding two websites.

    the laws of canada are presently nearly unbelievably hypocritically corrupt.

    how canadians are not standing up against such incredible deliberate hypocritical laws is ridiculous.

    its actually atrocious.

    please read the facts addressed in the preceding two website links i attach to this email i send you here.

    and then tell me in email if you can report this matter. in detail. in the toronto star.

    i thank you for addressing this email. on that note. and i wish you a very lovely day.
  7. signed
    k. james linker.
    second son to jim linker.

    the man to whom the preceding websites are dedicated to/


    and please remember in reading these websites i assure you, their entirely factual..

    which means the police and other earthly authority figures are now deliberately committing criminal negligence. on many corrupt counts.
    pardon my expression here but, talk about pooping literally on justice.

    the police told me not to pursue this matter. give up, they told me. they wernt interested in decent justice.

    i swear to you, miss emily.
  8. the police in london told me that. in many ways. they basically threatened me with harrassing them to do the right thing.

    harrassing them to do their jobs. they actually implied that!

    they almost threatened to arrest me. because i was asking them to do the right thing. and investigate very serious crimes committed by my brother and sister.

    including murder.

    i assure you, that statement is entirely factual.

    please contact me if you have a question at all. feel free to ask me anything.

    thank you once again.
    signed. k. james linker.
  9. we presently have a very easy way to commit fraud, and thievery and murder legally in canada.
    i would like to believe
    that would be a concern to rational people.

    i prove that factually.
    miss emily.
    definitely i prove that FACTUALLY. IN MY TWO WEBSITES I REFER YOU TO. ABOVE.
    FACTUALLY. irrefutably i do that. please just read the words of my websites to see that.
    '''''definition''''' TO THE WORD 'FACT, in an english dictionary ON THAT NOTE?

    A FACT MEANS ' {{{{{{{{{{{{{ADDRESSED TRUTH.}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} }}}}}}}}
    please read the facts i address in the preceding websites...

    and then please report this serious matter to the public.


Winnie and Jeff are hiding my fathers last will and testament.. From me.. That's disrespectful to my father's wishes.. ...

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