Thursday, February 6, 2020

Jannes (Jim)  LinkerRelated image
Kerry.  I know you are upset. at my intense evil. i suppose  I am a little too.  but not for the same reasons you are.
my rage is against dads final will and testament.Jannes (Jim)  LinkerRelated image
which i had to alter. in order to dishonor dad in death.Related image
 So is Winnie's purpose in all this too.
cant you understand that, kerry?Related imageImage result for funny make gifs motion images of drunks partying and staggeringRelated imageJannes (Jim)  Linker
which is good on our parts. cant you see that?
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to dishonor dad that way is only right.
as exodus 20; 12 warns all .
in connection to matthew 19: 17 and john 14: 15 obviously.
as that shows everyone how much me and winnie hate jesus.
.  I don’t know why you need to lash out like you are.  But please, please, be respectful at the service tomorrow.  We’ve tried very hard to plan and organize a service that will honour dad’s memory.  Everyone, including you and I, are going to be there to honour dad’s memory.  Right?  Please be on your best behaviour.  
Then on Saturday you do what you will. we can party on saturday or do whatever okay?Related image But just be kind on Friday.  Ok?  That’s all I ask of you.
Image result for funny make gifs motion images of drunks partying and staggeringJannes (Jim)  LinkerRelated image


  1. I still remember my blessed brother and sister dancing around my dad while dad lay dying in hospital chanting, """ your gonna be okay, dad. Your gonna live and be .


    To be or not to be??

    W""""just need a little more time to ransack your apt dad!""shouted Jeff and Winnie.

    Don't die yet, dad.

    O please don't die yet!""
    Shouted Jeff and Winnie that beautiful summer day.
  2. "Then, , while my dad lays dying in hospital , unable to talk because of the poison he was given through Jeff and Winnie's victuals, then, Jeff and Winnie deceptively say this..

    """"don't die, dad!!;
    At least til we have time to search your stuff!

    And steal what we want!

    And, at least til we have time to destroy and dishonor your final will and testament!
    Please dad!!"""""
    Located somewhere in your apartment!!!"""""

    Shouts Winnie and Jeff.
  3. """ after that, we don't care if ya die, dad!!

    But just don't die til then!!!

    Woe my God, no!

    Don't die til then""""
    Shout Winnie and Jeff.

    Because we haven't finished disrespectfully ransacking and searching your stuff!

    To steal what we want!!""""!

    Behind Kerry's back!!!

    Kerry doesn't know we're doing this,

    Kerry's too busy being concerned for your welfare presently to realise we're doing this!!"""

    Behind yours and Kerry's backs, were doing this, dad!!!

    Shouts Winnie and Jeff!
    In connection to Luke 12:1-3 no one will ever know!!"""



    Shout Winnie and Jeff on that note..

  4. Theirs something else too..

    Recently I consulted with my dad's brother, on these matters..

    And my uncle rensa noted something..

    Uncle rensa said, ""it didn't take long at all for Jeff to start quoting your father's personal diaries, did it Kerry?"""

    Like Jeff did during the speech Jeff gave on your dad's personal diaries at the funeral.""

    Yes, uncle rensa.

    That's true..

    How did Jeff get a hold of my dad's diaries that fast?


    I wonder how that happened?


    Good question..

    ""Don't die yet, dad!!!

    Shout Winnie and Jeff!!

    Don't die yet!!

    We haven't ransacked your apt thoroughly yet!!""""

    Shout Winnie and Jeff.

    Woe yes.
  5. """""we must dishonor your final will and testament before you die, dad!!
    By destroying it!!""

    Shout Winnie and Jeff.

    ""That's why we're ordering the doctor's to keep you alive in your horrible painful state of suffering!!""

    Shout Winnie and Jeff.

    Because we haven't finished stealing what we want from your personal belongings"""

    Shout Winnie and Jeff.

    Yes, we put you in the hospital, and caused your internal bleeding, by slowly poisoning you through unpackaged victuals we brought over for you to eat, dad!"

    Shout Winnie and Jeff.

    """Behind yours and kerry's backs.

    But, come on, who doesn't do something crazy like that?""

    Shout Winnie and Jeff.

    Regarding this subject addressed.

    Exactly. Who doesn't commit insane acts like that??

    My point entirely is made.

    Right there.
  6. The doctor's can worry about it now""!!

    Shout Winnie and jeff""

    Let dad suffer in the state he's in!""
    Shout Winnie and Jeff..

    And the bills can go to university hospital in London!!""

    Shout Winnie and Jeff.

    ""We passionately live ya dad!""
    On that note!

    Shout Winnie and Jeff.



    Thank you very much.

    Now Winnie and Jeff have left the building.

    The lights are on, but no body's home.

    Thank you doctors for keeping our father alive in a vegetable state, due to our callousness!! shout Winnie and Jeff ..

    That gave us sufficient time to dishonorably hide the truth from our brother and callously destroy our father's final will and testament!!!"""

    So thank you so much for mercilessly keeping our father alive in an infinitely painfully suffering state!

    So we could do that!!""

    Shout Winnie and Jeff to the doctor's at University hospital in London Ontario Canada!!""


    Thank you""
    Say Winnie and Jeff to the doctor's at that hospital on that note..

    Ta ta for now..

  7. To Jeff and Winnie.



    I figured out what you two were doing, too late to save dad.

    But that doesn't mean your gonna get away with it.

    As I clarify the facts of this subject.

    In connection to a proper summary of the truths intertwining this matter.


    Just note that...
    Winnie and Jeff.

    As Luke 12:1-3 also states.

    Imagine that, eh?

    Jesus quoting Luke 12:1-3.

    Why would Jesus do that?

    Hence, I quote the facts of this matter.

    As Luke 12:2 says I should.



    Ta ta for now, on that note, Winnie and Jeff.

    And try not to be too happy you murdered dad the way you did.
    For the purpose of being
    common thieves .

    And ransacking dad's personal belongings.

    While he lays dying in a hospital bed.

    Courtesy of your poisoned victuals you brought him during the last nine months of his life.

    You made his last year on Earth a total living hell..

    For an infinitely vain reason.

    Because you wanted to destroy his final will and testament..

    Every fact relating to this subject confirms that statement is truth.
  8. To Winnie and Jeff.

    Luke 12:1-3 says what?

    Clarify facts.

    That's what Jesus says.

    Right there.
    In Luke 12:2.

    So, I'm just doing what Jesus says .

    You made dad's life a living hell for the last year of his life.


    I just addressed it.

Winnie and Jeff are hiding my fathers last will and testament.. From me.. That's disrespectful to my father's wishes.. ...

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