Thursday, February 6, 2020

jeffs magnifico

jeffs contradictions. and a letter i sent to my sister, winnie. properly evaluating the facts.

now in honor of the person pictured here,,Jannes (Jim)  LinkerImage result for terrifying make gifs motion images of humans captured by replicas of themselvesImage result for FUNNY MAKE GIFS MOTION IMAGES OF OSTRICHESRelated imageImage result for images of psychotic person taking a bathJannes (Jim)  LinkerImage result for FUNNY MAKE GIFS MOTION IMAGES OF PREACHERS

i have a message to begin this website . 
Image result for MAKE GIFS MOTION IMAGES OF CAPTAIN KIRK LOOKING STUPIDImage result for make gifs motion images of jesus christ laughing hystericallyRelated imageaddressed to two siblings of mine. named winnifred jane linker. and jeffrey james linker. to which the name of this website applies.Related imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated image
may i say i love my siblings. yet that does not alter the fact, that the information addressed in this website is truth regardlesss of that Related imagefactor spoken.Image result for funny make gifs motion images of john candy 'wagons east'..Related imageImage result for make gifs motion images of demon possessed weirdos

so, the following websites contents are neccacary. despite the preceding statement addressed.Related image
so, once again, i begin this website with some decent rational choice words. addressed to those two individuals.Related imageRelated image
 worded in this wise.Image result for funny make gifs motion images of 'weekend at berniesJannes (Jim)  LinkerImage result for funny make gifs motion images of jesus partying in heavenRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageImage result for funny make gifs motion image of silly humans panickingRelated imageRelated imageImage result for funny make gifs motion image of silly humans panickingRelated imageImage result for funny make gifs motion images of religious wackos gone loonie on the pulpit in churchesImage result for funny make gifs motion images of 'weekend at berniesImage result for funny make gifs motion images of religious wackos gone loonie on the pulpit in churchesRelated imageImage result for funny make gifs motion images of human lunatics wrestling with monkeysRelated imageJannes (Jim)  LinkerRelated imageImage result for funny make gifs motion images of evel knievelRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageJannes (Jim)  LinkerRelated imageWhich message is simply this..Related imageRelated imageImage result for funny make gifs motion images of religious wackos gone loonie on the pulpit in churchesRelated imageImage result for funny make gifs motion images of 'weekend at berniesImage result for funny make gifs motion images of 'weekend at bernies

i took a bicycle trip with our brother jeff around this time, last year.

in june of 2018 if i recall correctly. 
.Image result for funny make gifs motion images of jews hitting their heads at the wailing wall
but i admit, it could have been another month of that year. because i didnt mark the date on calendar.Image result for make gifs motion images of terrified imbecilic psychotics falling into states of panic.
but, regardless of the exact date we and jeff took that ride to thamesford last year, that doesn't alter the fact the ride still took place. nor does it alter the fact the ride took place last year some time.Image result for funny make gifs motion images of 'weekend at bernies

in the year 2018.
the year jeff claims it didnt.Related image
Jeff did say to me that he was going to find a callous way to keep dad alive in suffering, away from jesus, until  he could find a way to disrespectfully dishonor dad.Related imageJannes (Jim)  Linker
By altering dad's final  will..
While he pretends he loves dad..Image result for MAKE GIFS MOTION IMAGES OF THE HOLY GHOST

And he did imply that he didn't care that dad suffered for it..
Image result for make gifs motion images of demon possessed weirdos

Then he went and visited dad on a continual basis Related imageImage result for funny make gifs motion images of 'weekend at bernies
Image result for make gifs motion images of terrified imbecilic psychotics falling into states of panic.
Ten months ago.

Before that, he never visited dad ..
 to the readers of this website.

summarizing. lets fast forward now to september 21st 2020.
and this conversation i had with jeff. worded as follows.
 i say this to jeff. regarding the facts of this scenario addressed.

And I'll forgive everything.

And I wont talk about it anymore.

I'll forgive everything.

If you just apologize.
In writing.

Dont let stupid arrogant pride stop you from doing the right thing.
Apologize to me.
And I will forgive everything.

And I'll let the matter go.


I cant help you against the god of israel
Unless you say sorry.

Trust me.
It's out of my hands.
Unless you apologize.
In writing.
.if you apologize in writing I'll help you against the god of Israel's judgments.

Your gonna want my help jeff.

He is crazy.
The god of israel.

Regarding such things.

But he wont do anything if I contend for you against him..

He most likely wont.
If facts matter he wont.
In this life.

Do you want me to help you against him?

Then apologize to me for dads death.

And everything you did.

Then I'll contend for you.
Against Israel's god.

I can t help you if you dont apologize.
Trust me.
Its out of my hands.
Unless you apologize.

As matthew 19: 17 and exodus 20: 12 are relevant to this subject.

It's now down to about 46 hours...
The Christian scriptures do make it totally clear that their is time travel going on presently.
In this existence.


That's for sure.

But do you think someone with a time machine is going to tell you that ??

vinnie venus

1:26 PM (3 hours ago)

to Jeff

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